Hayato Akiyama/Magazines

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Main Article Cards (Mobage / LOS) Conversations (Mobage / LOS) Magazines Appellations

Regular Issues[edit | hide | hide all]

Go for the Real Life! Celebrate Your Youth!, Part 1[edit | hide]

Page Translation
(Sign: Light Music Club recruiting new members. Come, new students!)
Hayato: Light Music Club...

(Hayato: Ah!)

Hayato: Alright!

sfx: clench

Hayato: I'll spend my youth with this!

sfx: bonk

sfx: falling

Go for the Real Life! Celebrate Your Youth!, Part 2[edit | hide]

Page Translation
(Sign: Infirmary)
Jun: Ugh...
Hayato: Are you awake? Are you okay!?
Hayato: You're Nanashi Middle School's prodigy
Hayato: Jun Fuyumi, right!?

Jun: (?)

Jun: It's... not really like that, though...
Hayato: I knew it! Hey, hey!
Hayato: How about we form a band in the Light Music Club together?

sfx Hayato: intense

Jun: Band?

Hayato: Yeah!

Jun: I guess... that'd be alright...

Hayato: Seriously!?

Hayato: Alright!

(Hayato: Now I can be popular!)

sfx: WHACK

sfx Hayato: panicking

One For All, and All For One!!, Part 1[edit | hide]

Page Translation
(Text: Super High School Band Meet! Tomorrow's Idols are You!)
Hayato: ...!!

One For All, and All For One!!, Part 2[edit | hide]

Page Translation
(Hayato: Uuu)
sfx: playing key
Hayato: Ah...
Hayato: We're so cool!
Hayato: (Now I'll definitely be popular!!)

sfx: clench


Special Issues[edit | hide]

H×J's Special Summer![edit | hide]

Event: HxJ's Special Summer!
Page Translation
The Big Summer Strategy

Hayato: Okay, let’s go!

sfx: Ta-daah~

Shiki: Go? Where you plannin’ to go, Hayatocchi!?

sfx: lazying around

Hayato: Insect-collecting, duh! We finally got such a good location right here!

Shiki: Bugs? That’s like, mega-boring~

Hayato: EH!? Summer break is all about bug-catching, though!

Hayato: You’ll have noodly arms forever if you keep saying those things! (I’m heading out~)

Shiki: Aah! Wait, Hayatocchi!

sfx: rustling
Hayato: I’m pretty sure, in this area of the shade…

sfx: peeks out

Hayato: Ooh! I found a rhinoceros beetle! Ah! There’s even a stag beetle here…!? Awesome—! This forest is crazy-good! (Hoo hoo~!)

Shiki: Uh… I don’t get it… What’s so good about it? It’s all black ’n stuff.

Hayato: Hmph. Insect-collecting is something that the likes of you can’t understand…

Shiki: By the way, I heard that things show up around here…

Hayato: What things…?

Hayato: Wait, like GIANT STAG BEETLES!?

Shiki: No. Ghosts.

sfx: unnerve…

Shiki: Harunacchi’n the others said that ghosts show up…

sfx: rustles

Ghost sfx: jumps out

Hayato: !


Shiki: Yeek~ It’s here~

Hayato: (screaming)

sfx: bashing

Producer: Stop! Stop! Hayato!

Haruna: Hayato, that was way too serious!! (That freakin’ hurt—)

Jun: I can’t believe you fell for it this magnificently…

Sign: [ Prank Was a Big Success! ]

Natsuki: You surprised me instead…

Shiki: Hayatocchi, you were way too freaked! That reaction was hyper intense, too!

Hayato: ! Were you in on it too!?

Shiki: Heehee ♪

Hayato: Darn it— You set me up— (Dammittttttt)


Campus Festival 2014, Part 1[edit | hide]

Event: Campus Festival 2014
Page Translation
Maid and Live and Jam Bread

Hayato: Okay… Let’s do this!

[ Maid Café Cute Maids An Enjoyable Time ]

sfx: heart thumping

Hayato: E-excuse us…

sfx: WHAM


sfx: BUFF

High×Joker idiot trio: (Eh—)

Maid: I’ll guide you to your seats, masters!!

sfx: dragging

High×Joker idiot trio: (screaming)

Haruna: (There’s like, no guests at all.)

Shiki: (Those are some fearsome maids.)

[ Rugby Club Maid Café ]

Hayato: Hm?

Hayato: Th… That’s…!!
Hayato: E-excuse me. Over there. (In the box!!)
Hayato: Are those possibly the must-have Ittendo jam breads that you have to stand in line for!?

sfx: piles

Maid: Ah, you know about it? Thanks to connections from a club member, we ordered them in bulk, but we haven’t been able to sell them because there aren’t any guests…

sfx: empty~

Hayato: Oh, wow!! I’ll eat them for you, then!! (I love jam bread!)
Hayato: (YUM—)

sfx: ♡ nom nom ♡

Maids: (He looks so lively when he’s eating…) (So lovable…) (Whoa…)

sfx: heaps

Maid: The way you eat is so lively and so lovable! You’re really a man among men!!! (WHOAA—!!)

Maids: (You’re amazing!!) (Can I shake your hand~!!) (No one in our club was able to finish them!!)

sfx: grabs hand

To Be Continued…

Campus Festival 2014, Part 2[edit | hide]

Event: Campus Festival 2014
Page Translation
Maid and Live and Passionate Cheers

sfx: cheering

Audience sfx: confused…

Shiki: (Look over there.)
Hayato: ? (There are some deep voices…) (squint)
Maids: (WHOOO!)

Maids’ fans: (Look over here ☆) (Manly Hayato)

Hayato: !!

Hayato: (The maids from before…!) (They came!)

Maids: (Hayato—) (Whoo—)

sfx: waving hand
sfx: cheering

Winter Snow Live[edit | hide]

Event: Winter Snow Live
Page Translation
Snow Live Decided!

Hayato: Ah! Producer. Thanks for your hard work. It’s me, Akiyama!
Hayato: Yes, I’m fine right now! Yes… Yes… Eh? Eeh!? Really!? Yes!! Of course we’ll do it! Please let us do it!!

Natsuki: (Phew.)

Haruna: (What is it? What is it!?)

Hayato: Yes! Yes! I understand! I’ll be in your care for things!! We’ll do our best!!
Hayato: ………………

Haruna, Shiki: (♪ excited ♪)

Hayato: ……..All…

sfx: gripping

Hayato: We got a live offer!! It’s gonna be in the northern provinces!!

Shiki: (YAY)

Haruna: (We did it—!!!)

Jun: (Hmm…)

Shiki: Seriously!? You serious!!

Hayato: I’m totally serious!!

Haruna: That’s awesome! When is it!?

Hayato: The twentieth of next month!!



Jun: …And that’s…
Jun: Three days after the year-end exams take place.

Idol Challenge! Judo Tournament[edit | hide]

Event: Idol Challenge! Judo Tournament
Page Translation

Shiki: We should get started with the match soon…

sfx: tightens

Hayato: —‘Kay!

Hayato: (I want to succeed at a one-armed shoulder throw… I’ll definitely get popular…!)

sfx: grip

Hayato: [ …The first match is an unbelievable matchup of two guys from the same team… ] (Gulp…)
Hayato: [ First is Haruna VS Jun… ]
Hayato: [ I want both of them to win! ]

Announcer: Begin!

Hayato: (But will Jun be okay… Ugh… Like I thought, it’s the difference in their physiques…)
Hayato: Jun, don’t lose! Haruna, put up a good fight too!
sfx: kick
sfx: thud
sfx: rush


Hayato: Jun, that was awesome! You won against Haruna! (AMAZING!)

sfx: grip

Jun: (Whoa.)

sfx: pat pat

Haruna: (You were awesome!! I totally lost!)

Hayato: (Amazing…! Jun’s going through so much growth!)

Hayato: I can't lose either!!

Super Live Fest 2015[edit | hide]

Event: Super Live Fest 2015
Page Translation
Hayato: Hey, everyone. Producer said we had to gather up in the President’s office.
sfx: walking

High×Joker: (What is it~?) (Did you hear what it was for?) (No, nothing.)

President: We of 315 Production will be participating in the large-scale live festival that will be held soon.

Producer: We’ll be announcing the members for it!

Producer: There were also members from High×Joker chosen.
Producer: Natsuki Sakaki, Shiki Iseya…
Producer: And…
Producer: Hayato Akiyama.
Hayato: …I’m not… dreaming, am I…?

sfx: tears up…

Jun: Congratulations.

Haruna: You’re not dreaming! You did it!

sfx: slap

sfx: grip
Hayato: I’m still inexperienced in all sorts of ways, but as High×Joker’s leader and as a representative of this agency… I’ll do my best.
Hayato: We’ll all do our best!
Hayato: We’ll do our best, and then…

Producer: (Keep going!)

Hayato: Make it the best live ever!

Hip Hop Dance Battle[edit | hide]

Event Hip Hop Dance Battle
Page Translation
Notes I Can't Show

Producer: Good work, everyone!

Shiki: (I’m tired~)

Haruna: (G’work~)

Producer: !?

Hayato: (crawling)

Producer: Hayato, what’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?

Hayato: (Wah!) Eh!?

Hayato: N… Not really!?

sfx: hides

Producer: Notes? You’re jotting things down? You’re such a hard worker! (Show me!)

sfx: excited

Hayato: (Waahh!) They’re messy, so no! Definitely not!!

Hayato: It… It’s not like I’m not supposed to show others, but…
Hayato: Since I’m the leader… I thought I should be able to get good enough to teach the others… and do things better than they do…
Producer: (He’s pretty accustomed to doing this…) (I wonder how many sheaths that’s been?)

sfx: Mmhmm

sfx: pat
Producer: I’m expecting good things out of you, Leader.

Hayato: Leave it to me!

Producer: As a reward, I’ll buy you some ice cream.

Hayato: Ooh! If you’re gonna buy one for me, let’s get some for everyone!


Starlight Live, Part 1[edit | hide]

Event: Starlight Live
Page Translation
Like That Star, Part 1

Hayato: Guys, listen up!

sfx: slam

Haruna: Oh, Hayato. Want a donut?

Hayato: Yeah, thanks

[ Place trash in the trash can ]

Shiki: Hayatocchi, here’s some candy too.

sfx: scatters

Hayato: (Ooh, nice.)

Natsuki: ……

sfx: slides tea…

Hayato: (You’re so thoughtful…)

Jun: (You sure eat a lot…)

Hayato: (sip~)

sfx: chattering
sfx: dark outside…
Hayato: ……Wait, that’s not what I came in here for!

sfx: slams

Hayato: I didn’t come in here to eat snacks!

Natsuki: (sipping…)

Jun: (You ate so much and this much time passed. A little late to be saying that.)

Hayato: We got a live!

sfx: whoaa!!

Hayato: This time, we’re gonna perform a song arranged to fit the theme!

Hayato: The theme is…!
sfx: points
To Be continued…

Starlight Live, Part 2[edit | hide]

Event: Starlight Live
Page Translation
Like That Star, Part 2

Hayato: Ooh…
Hayato: WHOAAAA—!

Shiki: Awesome—!

Haruna: (They sure are energetic…)

Jun: (I’m sleepy…)

Natsuki: (…)

Hayato, Shiki: WHOOOOO!

Hayato: Haah… It’s so amazing…
Hayato: I wonder if we’ll be able to express this unbelievable starry sky… through our song.
Natsuki: We will. (straight to the point)

Shiki: (Whoa!) Natsukicchi, you’re really dang confident, aren’tcha!

Natsuki: That’s why everyone…
Natsuki: Is here.
Haruna: (Is this thing Earth?)

Jun: (Are you serious……?)

Shiki: (That one’s better—!! That one’s way bigger—!!!)
Hayato: (Hahaha!)
Hayato: !

sfx: thunk

Hayato: WHOAAAA!! This is crazy!

sfx: stands up

sfx Jun, Shiki: (jump)

Hayato: Guys!! I thought up a really awesome arrangement!

Idol TV! Summer Swim Meet[edit | hide]

Event: Idol TV! Summer Swim Meet
Page Translation
Together as One!

Hayato: Alright...
Hayato: Let's go, everybody!

Shiki, Haruna, Jun, and Natsuki: Yeah!

Hayato: From here the underwater horseback riding competition starts!

sfx: splash splash, drip

Hayato: First, we're coming for that team!

sfx enemy team: lift

sfx enemy "rider": scared

sfx Hayato: grab

Opponent: Ah!

sfx: splash

Hayato: Yay! 1 point!

Natsuki: Hayato... Someone is coming from the left

Shiki: From the right too!

Haruna: Let's attack from both sides!

Jun: Let's aim to defeat those guys at the same time.

Hayato: Alright!

sfx: splash splash
Hayato: Now! Move away!


sfx enemy team: splash

sfx: grab

Hayato: Alright! We got them all at once!

(Haruna: Yaay!)

Haruna: Our teamwork is invincible!

Hayato: Guys, listen up!

Hayato: Let's keep going all together like this!!

(All: WOOHOO!)


Happy New Year! HxJ Live 2016[edit | hide]

Event: Happy New Year! HxJ Live 2016
Page Translation
Let's Hit the New Year Off With a Bang!

sfx: cheering
Hayato: Everyone—! Thank you—!

Audience: (cheering)

Audience: (Encore!)
Audience: (Encore!! Encore!! Encore!!)

Shiki: Hayatocchi!

sfx: TWANG…
sfx: cheering—
Hayato: We’re gonna start this year with a bang!
Hayato: Are you ready—!?

Shiki: (Yay~!)

Audience: (YEAHHHH!!)


In with the Good Luck! Setsubun LIVE 2016[edit | hide]

Event: In with the Good Luck! Setsubun LIVE 2016
Page Translation
Hayato: Demons—

sfx: fwoosh

Hayato: OUT—!!

sfx Hayato: hurl

sfx Shiki: plink plink plink

Shiki: WHOAAAA!!

Shiki: Ya really did it, Hayatocchi! (Uwoh…)

Natsuki: You have… good control… (That’s amazing.)

Hayato: I study a bunch of pitching forms, after all!

sfx Hayato: sharp!!

Shiki: (Don’t get it.) Eh… I dunno whatever the heck that is.

Hayato: Then let’s make this next one easy to understand!

sfx: fwoosh

sfx: grip


sfx Hayato: throw

sfx Shiki: plink plink plink


Shiki: Wait, is there even a reason for you to keep whacking me with beans!?

sfx: runs away

Hayato: You’re wearing the demon mask, aren’t you!?

Natsuki: You look like you’re having fun.


sfx: plink plink

Hayato: You let down your guard!

Natsuki: That surprised me.

Shiki: ヾ(o´Д`)ノ

Hayato: Letting down your guard is the worst mistake you could make~


Soaking Splash Live[edit | hide]

Event: Soaking Splash Live
Page Translation
Aim to Get a Perfect Body!

Hayato: (Ah.)
Hayato: Hokuto-san, good work there!

Hokuto: Akiyama-kun.

Hokuto: Good work to you too. It was a nice live, wasn’t it?

Hayato: Yes!

Hayato: (Ah…)
Hayato: (………)
Hayato: HMPH!
Hayato: HMPHHH!!

sfx: bulk—

Natsuki: …What’s going on, Hayato?

sfx: bulk

Hayato: Natsuki.

Hayato: ……… (stare)

Natsuki: ?

Hayato: Um…

sfx: lifts shirt

Hayato: Natsuki…

Hayato: Wanna build up muscle together!?

sfx: WHAM

Hayato: I wanna get a toned stomach!!!

Natsuki: Why so suddenly…


2nd Anniversary Live ~Words of Appreciation~[edit | hide]

Event: 2nd Anniversary Live ~Words of Appreciation~
Page Translation
Let's Keep Working Well Together!

Shiki: It’s almost time to go up, isn’t it!

Hayato: Okay! Let’s get in a circle and fire ourselves up!

Haruna: Then, leader, say something for us.

Hayato: EH!? Umm…

Hayato: Let’s see…
Hayato: It makes me the happiest person in the world, knowing that I can do music and be an idol with you guys like this now.
Hayato: So let’s keep working well together!

sfx: grip

Shiki: Passionate as always!! ♪

Haruna: Hayato’d be nothing without it~

Hayato: Oh, shut it!! (Can’t you just let me be?)

Natsuki: But that’s… Hayato’s good point…

Jun: You’re being a reliable guy, leader.

Haruna: So that’s why I’ll keep working hard.

Shiki: I ain’t losin’ either~!

Hayato: Everyone…

sfx: tears up…

Haruna: It’s too early for you to start crying, Hayato! (Wahh!)

Shiki: Endure it ‘till the live’s over! (Ahh)

Hayato: I— I haven’t cried yet, dangit!!

Hayato: …Okay! Let’s do this!

sfx: wipes

Hayato: It’s our turn now! Are you ready—!!

High×Joker: YEAH—!!

Hayato: Thanks, everyone—!

Haruna: Let’s keep getting fired up~!

Hayato: Please keep taking care of us!!

Paranormal Academy ~Awakening Trump Card~[edit | hide]

Event: Paranormal Academy ~Awakening Trump Card~
Page Translation

Takeru: Yeah. Just like that, like you’re twisting inward…
Hayato: Like this?

sfx: fwoosh

Takeru: Yeah. When you do that, you have to properly stabilize your left leg as you twist your waist and right ankle…

Hayato: I see~! That was super easy to understand. Takeru, you’re good at teaching!

Takeru: No, I’m not that good… It’s because you pick up on things quickly, Hayato-san.

Ren: You’re a freakin’ pain! Can’t ya get it by lookin’ at it!?

Haruna: Like hell I can—!!

Hayato: ...But the guys over there look like a lot to deal with…

Ren: Like I told you, you do THIS and just do THIS. [sfx: whoosh]

Haruna: Again, how the heck do you do that!? (So cool!!)

Michiru: In short, you have to keep your waist stable as you move that way.

Haruna: Michiru-san, you can understand that!!? (Awesome!)

Takeru: ……

Hayato: (All right! Let’s go, one more try!)
Student: “Kuh… you scrubs keep scurrying around…!!”

sfx: thud thud…

Ibuki: “I’ll provide support. Rush in, Shishio!!"

Shishio: “All right!!”

sfx: whoosh—

Shishio: “Take this! OVER—“

sfx: flare

Shishio: “HEEEEEAT!!!”

sfx: fwoom

Student: “How—…”

sfx: coughs

Student: “Could a member of the student council… like me… lose…”

sfx: crumble

Shishio: “Heheh.”
Shishio: “It’s ‘cuz you ain’t got enough energy!”
Director: (Cut— That was good!)

Hayato: Yay!

Haruna: Hayato, that went well!

Hayato: Yeah!

Hayato: It’s thanks to Takeru teaching me! (Heheh.)


Page Translation
Our Normal Everyday Life

Hayato: Whoa—! It’s a tent! (It’s a circus!!)

Haruna: Let’s take pictures and show everyone!

Hayato: Sounds good!

sfx: shutters~
sfx: shutters~
[ read ]

Shiki: “So cool~!!”

[ read ]
Shiki: “Hayatocchi, you’re in the way.”

Jun: “We won’t be able to see the background if you’re doing that.”

Natsuki: “You’re full of energy, aren’t you?”

[ read ]
[ Day of Filming ]

Hayato: I’m nervous~… (Yikes~…)

Haruna: Ah, that’s right. Let’s show them our outfit.

[ read ]

Hayato: Heheh…

Shiki: “You look mega-cool!!!”

Jun: “Please—…”

Hayato: Okay! Let’s do this!

[ Done filming! ]

[ Done filming! ]

HxJ CHEER UP LIVE![edit | hide]

Page Translation
Go higher! High×Joker!

Hayato: Whoa…

sfx: wow~!!

Hayato: S-so cool…! I can’t believe male cheerleading could be this cool!

Shiki: They’re seriously mega serious about this!!

Hayato: Don’t you think it’d become an even more amazing live if we incorporated this into our live!?

Haruna: Oh~! Sounds good!

Jun: But that part just now seems like it’d be a bit too hard to put in…

Shiki: Hmm~… It’d be mega cool if we could do it, but…

Jun, Natsuki, Shiki: (super-weak…)

Hayato: Hmmgh…
Hayato: Y’know, I…
Hayato: I’ve seen all sorts of idols up until now. I feel like High×Joker can aim for even higher!
Hayato: I’m sure the audience members will get fired up too, and it’ll become a positive for us! Don’t you think it’d be good if we do all the ideas we can to make the stages as best as they can be?

Shiki: Hayatocchi…

Shiki: GUH~, you ‘re so passionate! If we’re gonna make High×Joker power up, then I’ll do my besties as best as possible!!

Natsuki: (Mmhmm)

Jun: I see… Having the leader tell us that means that we can’t go without doing it, then.

Haruna: (Good job!)

Hayato: Guys…

Hayato: Thanks, guys! Let’s do our best!!

High×Joker: YEAH—!!


Halloween Song Live 2017[edit | hide]

Event: Halloween Song Live 2017
Page Translation
Pumpkin Head

Hayato: Everyone! Do you guys have the costumes that you’ll be wearing for the Halloween parade~!? (Hey~)
Shiki: Ta-daah! Mine will be the Kumacchi Halloween limited-edition Akumacchi parka!!

Haruna: I’m a werewolf!

Hayato: Ooh~! You guys are getting into it!

Hayato: What about you two, Jun, Natsuki?

Jun: I’m a wizard.

Natsuki: I’ll be… Dracula. (Fangs…)

Hayato: All of you are getting into the Halloween spirit!

Shiki: What’d you do, Hayatocchi!?

Hayato: Heheh. I’m…

Hayato: Going with this!!

sfx: whoosh!!

sfx: BOOM

Hayato: A pumpkin head!

Hayato: How’s this!? It’s perfect for Halloween, it’s got oomph behind it, so I bought it on the spot!

Jun: I think it’s fine, but… We’ll technically be participating in it as 315 Productions’ idols, so don’t you think it’d be better if you showed your face?

Hayato: Y-you’re right… Then they won’t know who I am with this…!!

Haruna: ! I got an idea!

sfx: takes picture

Hayato: ?

Haruna: Hold on a second, Hayato!

sfx: runs

Haruna: Okay, good!

sfx: sticks

Haruna: With this, everyone’s gonna know that it’s you~!! (Wahaha)

Hayato: You serious!?

Jun: I have no clue what kind of costume that’s supposed to be now…


ORIGIN@L PIECES LIVE in Tokyo[edit | hide]

Page Translation
Discovery! Tokyo Souvenir

Hayato: Oh.
Hayato: (What’s that…? A pennant…?)
Hayato: (I really do think… This is sorta…?)


Pierre: Wow! Cool! I, choose this for souvenir! (Wow~)

Hayato: Eh!!?

Hayato: (I see… So, like, foreigners would like this sort of thing?) (Huh…)
Hayato: (I guess this is sorta Tokyo-ish… I think I want it more now…?)
Rui: You’re buying the pennant?

Pierre: Yep! Super cool!

Rui: It’s a perfect /choice/ for a souvenir!

sfx: chatter chatter

Hayato: (Really…?)

Hayato: ………

sfx: sparkle—…

Hayato: I… I guess I’ll buy one too…

Rui & Pierre: (Nice!!)

Hayato: Heheh. I found something good!
Hayato: (……… Why’d I buy this…?)

315 AIRLINE LIVE![edit | hide]

Event: 315 AIRLINE LIVE!
Page Translation
Attention, Please!

sfx: stumble stumble

Hayato: Hah~ I-I’m so tired…

Jun: Are you all right?

Hayato: Yeah… It’s just, I get a little nervous whenever I get lessons from the flight attendants…

Hayato: It turns out their actual training is super-duper really difficult…!! (EEK)

(Proper angle) (Quiet voice) (Moving promptly)

Shouma: Well, of course!

Shouma: I ride on planes pretty often, so I have a lot of chances to meet with flight attendants. Their movements aren’t things that you can pull off with just a little half-baked training.
Hayato: I see… They’re pulling off such harsh training behind the scenes that they can complete brilliant jobs in that location…
Hayato: …Okay!

sfx: strains

Hayato: When it comes to brilliant locations, they’re the same as idols. We can’t lose to them either!
Hayato: Let’s properly remember the everything so that we can get to the live and not be shameful to the flight attendants!!

Everyone: YEAH—!!

sfx: cheering
Hayato: Attention please!
Producer: (Good job!) (You’re just like a real-life flight attendant!!)

White Day Live 2018[edit | hide]

Event: White Day Live 2018
Translated by nabstranslate.
Page Translation
It Makes Me a Little Embarrassed

Kyosuke: You gotta go with a heart! 'Cause that's the appeal point of White Day.

Yusuke: Nice!

Jun: I think it's nice.

Hayato: Woah!

Hayato: Jun, you won't get embarrassed? (That's surprising!)

Jun: ...I tried to get used to it because of the wink...

Jun: That aside, I thought you would be embarrassed, Hayato.

Hayato: Me?

Hayato: Well, yeah, I get embarrassed when it's embarrassing but...

Hayato: I'm a bit confident doing the heart pose! (AHEM)

Natsuki: What do you mean?

Hayato: Eheheh, actually...

Hayato: Shoma-san took me to a maid cafe earlier and I learned from that!
Producer: Good work everyone. How's the lesson going?

Hayato: Producer!

Kyosuke: Coach! Good timing!

Kyosuke: We're about to practice the heart pose, but

Yusuke: Apparently, it's Hayato's specialty! Coach, you gotta see too!

Hayato: EH!?

Hayato: Y-Yeah! Let's do this!
Hayato: Take this!

Hayato: Directly channeling Shoma-san!

Producer: Amazing! That felt good! I expect it for the real deal too.

Hayato: Leave it to me! (Ehehe!)


HxJ Clear Sky! Marine Blue Live![edit | hide]

Event: HxJ Clear Sky! Marine Blue Live!
Translated by nabstranslate.
Page Translation

Hayato: Gathering shells was fun~
Hayato: At the place Shiki wanted to go
Hayato: We made good memories
Hayato: Oh, somehow I think I've made a nice phrase!
Hayato: Let's play it once we're back!!
Shiki: Uwah--

Shiki: What's wrong, Hayatocchi!?

Hayato: Nothing... I just had a nice feeling about our song...

Hayato: What day is it? I'm cutting down on my sleep...

Shiki: Whaaa-- the new song's finished!? Please let us hear it!!

Natsuki?: Um... the recording will do

?: Ooooh!
Haruna: It's good!

Jun: Feels pretty nice

Natsuki: Yeah...

Shiki: This is the best! That's our Hayatocchi... hm?

Shiki: He fell asleep looking so satisfied~

Cute Taste! American Candy[edit | hide]

Event: Cute Taste! American Candy
Page Translation
Selfie As a Duck

Shiki: Whoa~! This is one classy café!
Shiki: Selfies are gonna be mad cray-cray in a place like this!

sfx: taking pictures

Hayato: (You’re so excited~)

Seiji: (How youthful.)

Shiki: What’cha starin’ off in space for, Hayatocchi? Let’s take a selfie together!

Hayato: Eh? S-sure!

Shiki: But just havin’ the two of us stand here together is pretty boring…

Hayato: That’s the issue?

Shiki: Yeppers.

Shiki: ! I got it!
Shiki: How ‘bout this!!

sfx: ta-dah!

Hayato: Oh…! It’s that thing to make you look like a duck!!

Shiki: Hayatocchi, let’s do it together!

Hayato: I-I’m gonna do it too!?

Shiki: People will totes love it!

Hayato: Ehh…

Hayato: Um… Ummm…

sfx: crinkle…

Hayato: Like… Like this?
Shiki: WHOA~ That’s awesome~! You’re so talented! Talentocchi! (Wahaha~)

sfx: snap snap snap

Hayato: Talen—…!?

Hayato: You were the one who made me do it, Shiki!!


FRAME: (So youthful~)


Brilliant Fireworks Show 2018[edit | hide]

Event: Brilliant Fireworks Show 2018
Page Translation
An Unexpected Debut Date!?

Hayato: Ah! Hey, Producer? Yeah. Sorry I can’t be there right now. Class ended just now, so… Yeah.
Hayato: Eh? My next job? Nice! What is it? Yeah.
Hayato: Eh—
Hayato: Producer!!

sfx: slam

Producer: That was fast, Hayato.

Hayato: (wheezing) Was… was that conversation just now… for real…?

Hayato: A…

sfx: wham

Producer: Yes, of course. It’s from a female-oriented magazine, for its special date feature. You’ve been given a photoshoot with the situation “Fireworks date in yukata.”

Hayato: Was… Was that really for me!?

Producer: Yes.

Producer: “To contrast with the mature date performance we’ll be expecting out of FRAME, we want that kind of first-time date from the high school idols Hayato and Haruna…” Is how the client intended to ask things, but is something wrong with those circumstances?

Hayato: Th-that’s not the thing I’m talking about! Well, it’s not, but… Um…

Hayato: (whispers) I’ve… never gone on a date before, so…
Producer: That’s perfectly fine!

Hayato: EH!?

Producer: Rather, I’m sure the offer is actually anticipating that kind of embarrassed expression and feeling of awkwardness. Be confident in yourself, because you can do something that only you can do now!
Hayato: I-I see…
Hayato: I got it! I’ll give it a shot!!

Producer: Do your best!!


Yukata (浴衣) are summer kimono that are worn to summer festivals.

HxJ Survival Live![edit | hide]

Event: HxJ Survival Live!
Page Translation
Can You Beat Me?

Hayato: Ah…… This…
Hayato: It’s the new one! It’s a game that’s been the focus of a bunch of attention even before the release date! (Wow~)

Haruna: Huh~, is it interesting?

Hayato: Let’s all give it a shot to see!

sfx: thudding

sfx: clacking

Haruna: Ooh~…

Haruna: This is super realistic~

sfx: thud

Hayato: Yeah, yeah! It’s so thrilling!

Shiki: (Whoo!) The one-on-one fights are tons of fun~!!

Hayato: Jun, Natsuki, wanna try?

Jun: I don’t really…

Hayato: No need to say that! It’s really interesting!

Shiki: Totes!

Jun: Wait… Okay, I got it, so please don’t pull on me!

Haruna: C’mon, Natsuki, you too!

Natsuki: If Jun’s playing, then…

Haruna: (Push that and then do this.)

Jun: ???

sfx: clacking

Shiki: (AAGH~)

Jun: (I lost again! Unbelievable!)

Natsuki: (He’s getting sucked in…)

Hayato: Nice, I won!

sfx: victory chime ♪

Haruna: Ooh~, Hayato won all on his own again!

Shiki: Ugh… Now that it’s come to this…
Shiki: We’ll all try and end Hayatocchi!

Hayato: Come at me!! ♪


Max Enjoyment! Punkish Autumn Live[edit | hide]

Event: Max Enjoyment! Punkish Autumn Live
Page Translation
Autumn Leaves Carrying My Feelings

Hayato: Hmm…
Hayato: (An autumn leaf live, huh… The final display in the performance will have them make autumn leaves fall down, so I’m really looking forward to it, but I wonder if I should do anything to make the coming fans even happier…?)

sfx: hmm…

Hayato: No, I can’t let myself get stuck in thought all alone!

sfx: GRAH

Hayato: (I guess I’ll go consult Haruna too…)


Jun: What in the world are you saying… You’ve only just gotten started.

Hayato: Whatcha doing?

Jun: It seems he has a quiz in classics very soon.

Shiki: That’s why I had him… check out my studying…

Hayato: I see…

Jun: And the test this time is centered on traditional waka poems…

Shiki: It’s so hard…

Jun: Waka poems were important ways of grasping how to understand the feelings of the person who wrote them at the time. They didn’t have phones like we do now, so it was common to write the poems onto letters and pass them around.

Hayato: (Huh, I see~) Ooh~ That sounds pretty nice. ……

Hayato: I got it now!!
Hayato: (whisper whisper) (That sorta thing…)

Haruna: Eh? Sounds really good!

Hayato: Nice! Then let’s consult Producer and F-LAGS about it too!

sfx: cheering
sfx: Kyaaaah—!!
Hayato: Heheh!

Xmas Live 2018 -Side:Enjoyable-[edit | hide]

Event: Xmas Live 2018 -Side:Enjoyable-
Page Translation
Boys' Games

sfx: spinning

Hayato: There we… go.

Hayato: (All right.) I’ve gotten more used to handling it.

Jun: Isn’t it because you’re always swinging around that wooden sword in the club room?

Souichirou: Speaking of which, Iseya-san had bought that as his souvenir, didn’t he.

Souichirou: To think that you all would be actually using it. (Fufu…)

Jun: I… I don’t do such childish things, you know.

Hayato: You let down your guard!
Hayato: Take this! ICE SWORD!!

Jun: What in the world are you doing…

sfx: GLEAM

Kirio: Hoho~ Is that from Supernyatural Academy? (beep beep~)

Souichirou: I watched that as well. Having psychic powers seems interesting, doesn’t it.

Hayato: I wanna do that one that stops time! Umm… What was it again?
Jun: You mean [Break Time]?

Hayato: Yes, that one!

Hayato: [BREAK TIME]!!

Souichirou, Kirio: (stop!)

Hayato: Now’s my chance!

sfx: whoosh

Souichirou: Guwaaaahh!!

Kirio: Mew finished me off—!

sfx: yelling

Jun: We’re running out of time for the dance lesson. (Jeez.)

Ren: (That’s so meaningless) What are they, kids?


Souichirou tempts Shiki into getting a wooden sword as his Nagoya souvenir.

Glorious☆HxJ's Youthful Musical Revue[edit | hide]

Event: Glorious☆HxJ's Youthful Musical Revue
Page Translation
Trained Legs' Showing Point

Hayato: Crap! I overslept—!

sfx: dash

Hayato: (Too much time passed when I was checking over the documents yesterday and before I realized it, it went past midnight~)

sfx: yikes—

Hayato: [ But thanks to that, I feel like I’ve gained a little bit more skill bit by bit! ]
Hayato: [ I’m managing to make good progress when it comes to the effort I put into training after school. I’m gonna do my best and make it a good stage! ]
Hayato: Shiki! Haruna!

Shiki: Hayatocchi!

Haruna: Wassup! Hayato, you late too?

Hayato: Hehe… I stayed up too late when I was checking out the documents for the revue.

Shiki: Hayatocchi, you too!?

Haruna: Hahaha, so did I!

Hayato: Both of you did that!?

Haruna: Looks like we all did the same thing~!

Shiki: Don’t stay here laughing, or else we’ll be late! If we’re late, then not only the teachers, but also Juncchi will get mad at us…

Hayato: You’re right…

Haruna: (Ugh) I don’t want that…

Hayato: Okay!
Hayato: Looks like this is where we’ll show off our trained legs!

Outdoor Music Festival 2019[edit | hide]

Event: Outdoor Music Festival 2019
Page Translation
This Isn't the Place for Me to be Nervous

Tsubasa: There’s still some time before our performance. Let’s learn from the other stages.

Hayato: Good idea.

Hayato: (Even though we got all excited over playing trump yesterday, and I talked with Kirio…)

sfx: glance…

Hayato: (Being with this uniquely new group of members makes me a little nervous.)

sfx: heart thumping

Hayato: (No… I can’t let myself do this. I’ll work hard to make use of what Shiki taught me!)

Shiki: (You gotta do this, do this!!)

Rui: The Stage has come into view!
sfx: audience cheering
Hayato: (Unbelievable…)
Hayato: (This isn’t…)
Hayato: (The place for me to be nervous!)
Hayato: (We’ll definitely…)

sfx: steps

Hayato: (Make it a success, too!!)

Blessing Garden Wedding[edit | hide]

Event: Blessing Garden Wedding
Page Translation
Future Bride

Connecting to Music ~World of Connecting x Sounds~[edit | hide]

Event: Connecting to Music ~World of Connecting x Sounds~
Page Translation
Truly the Best Luxury

F-LAGS: (Good work!)

Hayato: (Good work~)

Jun: The commercial turned out well, didn’t it.

Hayato: Yeah! It ended up really cool!

Hayato: I’ll definitely buy the headphones when they come out! I’ve already got my mind set on the song I’ll listen on them first!

Jun: What song is it?

Hayato: Obviously, it’ll be…

Hayato: Our debut song!
Hayato: Using the headphones that we were given the chance to advertise, I’d listen to the song that we made ourselves.
Hayato: It’d be the best luxury ever~…

Jun: I understand.

Hayato: Yep!

Hayato: I’m excited for it!

Side of Asteria ~Heaven's Arrow and a Promise Dancing in the Wind~[edit | hide]

Event: Side of Asteria ~Heaven's Arrow and a Promise Dancing in the Wind~
Page Translation
Idols' Sermon on Bathtime

Raven: Ugh~ It’s so cold…

sfx: shiver

Raven: This country’s pretty cold. I feel like I’ll freeze.

Zaveid: You look cold~

Raven: Lookin’ at you makes me feel colder.

Hayato: How about going to the public baths? There’s a huge bath, so I think you’d be able to take your time warming yourselves…

Raven, Zaveid: Sounds good!

Zaveid: Let’s go right now! Right! Now!

Hayato: !? Eh— Wha— Why so forceful!?

sfx: tug tug

Hayato: AH!
Hayato: Ah… Could you be planning to peep into the women’s baths!?

Zaveid: Oh! You catch on quick, little rascally idol!

Raven: Hey there! Pervy devilish king!

Hayato: P-p-p-pervy!?

Hayato: Y… You’ve got the wrong idea! That’s not it at all!

sfx: blush—


Zaveid: C’mon, don’t be such a stick in the mud. Bare-bodied relationships are important with men, aren’t they?

Raven: Exactly. Getting to peek in the female baths is a heaven, isn’t it?

Zaveid: Hayato, you’re gonna become a hunter of beauty with us.


Raven: (Mmhmm.)

  • Please do not peek into other-gendered baths. That is an invasion of privacy.
  • I am not a resident of the Tales series, so I apologize if I translated the two of them incorrectly.

Winter Knit Collection[edit | hide]

Event: Winter Knit Collection
Page Translation
Imagining a Future of Popularity

Hayato: A fashion show, huh…? The sound of that makes me nervous~
Hayato: Jun, you showed up in a fashion show with Natsuki and F-LAGS before, didn’t you? Could you tell me about stuff that I can use as reference?

Jun: (If it’s something I can lend a hand with,) Yes, of course.

sfx: cheering
sfx: high fives
sfx: cheering
Hayato: Practice and prep work was a lot to deal with, but the performance just passed in a blur!

Jun: You’re right.

Hayato: The fashion show and the live were both really fun, so I hope there’s a chance we can perform again…

Hayato: And, if I appeared in a fashion show…
Hayato: (I might become popular!!)

Jun: (What are you smirking for…)


Youth Colors ~The Boys Volleyball Club of Takamichi High School~[edit | hide]

Event: Youth Colors ~The Boys Volleyball Club of Takamichi High School~
Page Translation
Maybe I Should Aim For A Gap

sfx: toss...
sfx: SLAM
Hayato: It ended with no problems today~… (Phew—)

sfx: roll roll…

Shiki: Uu~…

Hayato: What’s wrong, Shiki?

Shiki: (fidget fidget) It’s the first time I’ve had a job where I don’t have glasses on for a long time, so I can’t calm down…

Shiki: I’m worried about what effects the drama will have!

sfx: pat pat

Hayato: It’ll be fine! I think it’s refreshing and nice that you don’t have your glasses too! (Ahaha!)

Hayato: Plus, there’s this thing you call a gap from your normal self that can… make you… popular… (AH!)
Hayato: (Gap… Basically if I wear glasses when I don’t usually do it, I might be able to get popular…!?)
Hayato: M… Maybe I should buy glasses too…

sfx: heart thumping

Shiki: What’s up with you all of a sudden?


Heliport Live ~Conquerors of the Skyscrapers~[edit | hide]

Event: Heliport Live ~Conquerors of the Skyscrapers~
Page Translation
Doing Special Training for Our Sense of Balance Through a Scarecrow Pose

Teru: It’s a little early, but how about we get started with dance practice?

Hayato: That sounds good!

sfx: shoes squeaking
sfx: stagger

Hayato: (Whoa.)

Haruna: Are you okay? That’s pretty rare for you to miss a step there, right?

Hayato: (Hehe) Actually, I was sort of thinking.

Hayato: I was trying to dance while closing one of my eyes.

Haruna: Why were you closing your eye?

Hayato: You know how we’re using eyepatches for the outfits this time? I was testing it out because I thought we’d mess up our sense of balance if we had one of our eyes closed. (I ended up being right.)

Haruna: Ah~ I see!

Teru: Now that you mention it, you’re right. (I see!)

Tsubasa: I guess that’s it. It’d be good if we practiced while closing one of our eyes as we danced.

Haruna: All right! I’ll give it a shot too!

Tsubasa: Whoa…

Haruna: Oops—

Teru: It wrecks your sense of balance even harder than you’d think.

sfx: stumbling around

Tsubasa: I think it’d be good to start from strengthening our sense of balance. If we close our eyes and stand on one foot, that might be good training.

Hayato: You’re right. That sounds like it’d work!

sfx: shoes squeaking

Haruna: Yikes…! This is also hard…!

Teru: We’re moving around a lot!

Kaoru: I’m sorry for being late. I’ll be joining lessons now, t…

sfx: opens door

Kaoru: What in the world are you doing?

Teru, Tsubasa, Hayato, Haruna: (Ugh~)

sfx: stumbling


The Most Frightening, Mystifying Legend ~Ghostly Mansion Memory~[edit | hide]

Event: The Most Frightening, Mystifying Legend ~Ghostly Mansion Memory~
Page Translation
The Work of a Ghost!?

Hayato: Thank you for your hard work~

sfx: opens door

Hayato: Huh? I guess I’m here too early. Well, whatever. I’ll get dressed first, then.

sfx: empty~…

Hayato: Whew~…

sfx: thump

Hayato: (I wonder if everyone’s gonna come soon~)
Hayato: (I… I can’t take this! I’m starting to remember the scary stories that I heard from everyone… I don’t think I’ll be able to deal with staying in the break room alone any longer than this!) (UUGH)
Hayato: Since… since the others are gonna come soon, I’ll go somewhere I can greet them!

sfx: gets up

sfx: flicks light

sfx: room darkens…

Hayato: Ah—

Hayato: (No freaking way! Switch, switch…!)

sfx: door opens

sfx: bump

Hayato: !?


Ryuu: Whuh!?

Ryuu: What’s wrong, Akiyama!

sfx: flicks light

sfx: room brightens

Hayato: Whoa! What!? Ah— Ryuu-san!?

Hayato: (blush)
Hayato: Um… umm, so… Could you please keep my screaming just now a secret…? (Etc etc so and so… That’s why I got scared……)

Ryuu: (Oh, so that’s all!)


Graceful Passionate Zapateo[edit | hide]

Event: Graceful Passionate Zapateo
Page Translation

Tale of the Unparalleled Musashi ~An Ephemeral Swordplay~[edit | hide]

Event: Tale of the Unparalleled Musashi ~An Ephemeral Swordplay~

Passionate Welcome! PANDA LIVE![edit | hide]

Event: Passionate Welcome! PANDA LIVE!

7th Anniversary Live ~A Brimming Light~[edit | hide]

Event: 7th Anniversary Live ~A Brimming Light~

Time Prediction ~Watcher of Time and Space~[edit | hide]

Event: Time Prediction ~Watcher of Time and Space~

Xmas Live 2021 -Side:Joyful Night-[edit | hide]

Event: Xmas Live 2021 -Side:Joyful Night-

The Forgotten Klangfarbe[edit | hide]

Event: The Forgotten Klangfarbe

Kobe Brilliant Song Festival[edit | hide]

Event: Kobe Brilliant Song Festival

Shining Brightly!! Jewels Live[edit | hide]

Event: Shining Brightly!! Jewels Live

GEKIKARA JIGOKU Fes[edit | hide]


Sparkling Moon-Viewing Night 2022[edit | hide]

Event: Sparkling Moon-Viewing Night 2022
We are High×Joker!