Kirio Nekoyanagi/Magazines

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Regular Issues[edit | hide | hide all]

A Sudden Transmeowssion for a New Topic!, Part 1[edit | hide]

Page Translation
Kirio: It's purrleasant out~
sfx: drink
sfx: exhale
Kirio: Kyupipi~n!"

Kirio: I've some sudden inspurration!!

Kirio: Idols!

Kirio: It's idols!


A Sudden Transmeowssion for a New Topic!, Part 2[edit | hide]

Page Translation
Kirio: Purrleased to meet you~♪
Kuro: I'm Kuro Kiyosumi. I look forward to working with you.

Shoma: My, what kind of interesting and cute thing do we have here.

Kirio: Gyogyogyo??
Kirio: Male? Female?

Kirio: "You kind of look like a butterfly, all delicate

Kirio: A purrty gentleman

Kirio: This gentleman is also purrty!

sfx: surprise

Kirio: But he's not a butterfly

Kirio: He's like tableware, all smooth

Kirio: Denyansu!

Kuro: T-...tableware!?

Shoma: You say some great things! Ahaha


Taking the Arts Fur Real!, Part 1[edit | hide]

Page Translation
sfx Shoma: clapping

sfx Kuro and Kirio: panting

Shoma: That boy's and your first time dancing went well, Kuro-chan!
Kirio: We'll purractice more!
Kirio: In the arts, this is who you are!' I think. Not doing what I'm capable of makes me upset!

Kuro: too!

Shoma: ...That's true, isn't it

Taking the Arts Fur Real!, Part 2[edit | hide]

Page Translation
Shoma: Nice finish!!

Shoma: It seems like your dancing has already passed the satisfactory point

Kirio: Nyahaha!! Speaking of

Kirio: I haven't done this kind of stuff much with younger people befurr~

Kuro: ...Me neither

Shoma: ...Everyone has their troubles

Kirio: It's purrety fun~!
Kuro: ...

Shoma: Oh! Did Kuro-chan also have fun? My my, you're embarrassed!

Kuro: I...I'm not embarrassed!

Kirio: Nyahaha

Kirio: (This is fun~)

Kirio: Nyahaha~


Special Issues[edit | hide]

Test of Courage, Ch. 1[edit | hide]

Event: Sunshine Live on the Shore
It's a Pawnted House!

Test of Courage, Ch. 2[edit | hide]

Event: Sunshine Live on the Shore
I'm a Meownster Cat!

Color Onsen Diary[edit | hide]

Event: Color Onsen Diary
Page Translation

Kirio: An onsen inn!

sfx: BAM

Kirio: Onsen manjuu!

sfx: BAM

Kirio: Onsen meals!

sfx: BAM

Kirio: And for the finishing blow, su-purr-ior onsen milk~!

Kirio: Fuaa~ This is pure bliss!

sfx: breath of relief

(Label on milk bottle: Tagawa dairy product)

sfx Kirio: glug glug glug

Kuro: Fruit milk, coffee milk...

Shoma: After eating and drinking such a large variety of foods, wouldn't your stomach be upset~?

Kirio: This a-meow-nt is fi-

sfx: stomach rumbllllle

Kirio: -NE

Kirio: I'm going to the bathroom for a minute!

Shoma: I told you so

Shoma: Kirio-chan is a bit late, isn't he?

Kuro: He reaped what he sowed

sfx: creak

Kirio: Nya'm back~

Shoma: Are you alright, Kirio-cha
Kirio: There's so many onsen eggs to eat~!
Kirio: You two dig in too!

(Kuro: Ughh)

Kuro: No thank you

Shoma: Kirio-chan is impressive

Kirio: Such deli-cat-cies!

Painted Flower Monkey of the West[edit | hide]

Event: Painted Flower Monkey of the West
Nyat Is A Priest's Staff?

Panel Quiz Tackle 9[edit | hide]

Event: Panel Quiz Tackle 9
Everything is Ima~ge

Elegant Dance Festival[edit | hide]

Event: Elegant Dance Festival
Page Translation
Pie in the Sky

Kuro: Huh? Nekoyanagi, are you eating again after just eating lunch?
sfx: fan slap

Kirio: I'm not eating~

Kirio: Nya~ Sorry, when I'm holding a fan, my body mewves on its own~

Kuro: I really thought you were eating

Kirio: Huhum, there are also other things I can do
sfx: eating


sfx: eating


sfx: eating


sfx: eating


Shoma: It really does look like he's eating...


Kuro: Yes...

Kuro: For some reason, it smells really good...
Kuro: Hey, you really are eating! Aren't those the snacks from Producer!?

Shoma: Jeez! Didn't we promise to eat them as an afternoon snack?

Kirio: Hey, I really got hungry and my paw just reached for them
Shoma: Oh, it looks like there's another box

(?: You were reading it!?)

Kirio: Good job, Producer!


315 Marching Song! Taiko Live[edit | hide]

Event: 315 Marching Song! Taiko Live
Page Translation
Chirpy-Chirp and a Kyu-pi-pin♪

Kirio: Mu...mumumu...

Kirio: (A new idea for a joke came to me!)

Kirio: (Kyupipi~n!!)

Kirio: (The ideas keep coming!)

Shoma: Haaah... We did it...
Shoma: Kirio-chan, join us. Drink some tea.

Kuro: ? ...What's the matter?

sfx: menacing

Kirio: Mu, mumumu...

Kirio: (The punchline! It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't think of it!)

Kirio: Ha! If we purrform once more, it might come to me!

Kirio: Sir Butterfly! Kuro-kun! Let's play again!!

Kuro: T... The performance is already over, you know!!

Shoma: You're in an awfully good mood, aren't you...

Kirio: C'mon! Stand up!

Kuro: Hanamura-san, please save me!

Shoma: Heeeh...

Kirio: Being an idol really is fun~

Shoma: Forgive me!


Lighting Ceremony Live[edit | hide]

Event: Lighting Ceremony Live
Page Translation
Observing the Paw-dience

sfx: chattering
Kirio: Hmhm
sfx: chattering
Kirio: I see, I see♪
sfx: excited audience
Audience: Kirinoji! We've been waiting!

(Audience: Waah) (Audience: Kyaa)

Audience: Kyaa!

(Kirio: Nyan nyan)

(Audience: Kyaa)
Shoma: You were quite popular today, boy
Kuro: Is there some secret trick?

Kirio: I check the day's audience and revise the purrduction

Shoma: ! So is that why you went to take a peek at the audience before the performance?

Kuro: I see. I can admire that

(Both: "Huuuuh")

Kirio: A 'stage' and an 'entertainment hall' are both the same
Kirio: The audience's enjoyment is the most impurrtant

(Kirio: Nyan nyan)


The Capital of Laughter OSAKA Live[edit | hide]

Event: The Capital of Laughter OSAKA Live

Merrymaking! Melon Fair Live[edit | hide]

Event: Merrymaking! Melon Fair Live
Page Translation
There are All Kinds of Different Melons♪

Kirio: These smell purrty nice~♪

Kirio: Um, let's see. Furrst I'll take these

Kirio:This melon smells goood♪"
Kirio: This melon also smells goood♪
Kirio: MM—♥ Which should I eat?♪
Kirio: I can't eat with my hands full~!

(Kirio: NYAA!!)

Shoma: Jeez, you're a helpless boy, aren't you?

Shoma and Kuro: Say "Aaah"
Kirio: Oh...

Kirio: A gift furrom heaven!

Kirio: Mmm~! They're both delicious~

Smile, Please! Steampunk Live[edit | hide]

Event: Smile, Please! Steampunk Live
Take a Furry~ Close Look♪

Cosmetic Tonight[edit | hide]

Event: Cosmetic Tonight
Page Translation
Do You Think I’m Purr-ty~?

sfx: snuggle snuggle
Kuro: What are you doing, Nekoyanagi-san?

Kirio: Mewfu-fu...

sfx: menacing

Kirio: Do you think I’m... purr-ty~?

Kuro: WAAAH!

Kirio: Nyahaha~

Kirio: Me and Madame Butterfly here got some face mask samples, so we were testing them out.

(Kirio: It’s an animal pack, denyansu~)

Kuro: Th...There sure are a lot of them here, aren’t there?

Kirio: Madame Butterfly over here gave me the leftovers, denyansu~

Shoma: Oh, my...



Kirio: GYAAA!?

Kirio: I... I can’t stand, denyansu...

sfx Kirio: collapse

sfx Shoma: peeeel

Shoma: My, my, did I go too far on you, darling?

(Shoma: Sorry!)

Kirio: I’m just nyat used to being the pranked instead of the prankster, is all, denyansu~!"

(Kirio: Hahaaaa)


Dream Ship Party Live[edit | hide]

Event: Dream Ship Party Live
Furtunately Warm and Relieved

ORIGIN@L PIECES LIVE in Hokkaido[edit | hide]

Event: ORIGIN@L PIECES LIVE in Hokkaido
Came, Saw, Sang, Nyat's What I Did

Valentine's Live 2017[edit | hide]

Event: Valentine's Live 2017
Easy to Say, Hard to Do

Three Kingdoms Chronicles ~The Strategists of Superior Beauty~[edit | hide]

Event: Three Kingdoms Chronicles ~The Strategists of Superior Beauty~

Heavenly Gods Picture Scroll[edit | hide]

Event: Heavenly Gods Picture Scroll
Page Translation
Only God Knows the Truth?

Shoma: Kiddo, when’s your photoshoot starting?
Kirio: It’ll purrceed when the moon starts shining high in the sky.

Shoma: Oh… That’ll be a pretty long time from now.

Kirio: (Ahem!) After all, I am acting out the role of the moon god who takes his paw-er from the mysterious moon.

Shoma: Ahaha. Is that so?

Makio: Oh~

Kirio: Take that!

sfx: scatter

Kirio: ♪
Kirio: (I sure am looking furward to the photoshoot ♪)
Kirio: Ooh~ A fine mewn is out.
Producer: —Sorry to keep you waiting. Please take care of it.
Kirio: I hear mew!
[ A later date ]
Producer: The photos from a while back are finished.

Shoma: They’re beautifully taken~

Makio: Wow~

Shoma: ……

Kuro: Hanamura-san, what’s wrong?

Shoma: Well, see…

Shoma: The kiddo’s picture here…

Kirio: Picture purrfect, if I do say so myself~

Shoma: Are you sleeping in it?

Kirio: Nya?

Kirio: How claw-ful of mew to say! I’m purroperly awake!

Shoma: Ahaha! Sorry about that. You looked ju~st so peaceful.

Kirio: That was because I was being filled with the mewn’s paw-er!

Shoma: But, kiddo, you did film pretty late… (Doubting…)

Kuro: You must have… waited for a long time…

Kirio: I wasn’t sleeping, mew hear~!!!


3rd Anniversary Live ~The Road We Walk Together~[edit | hide]

Event: 3rd Anniversary Live ~The Road We Walk Together~
The Best! Fur the Time Being

Genpei Chronicles ~Roundabout Tactics~[edit | hide]

Event: Genpei Chronicles ~Roundabout Tactics~
Within the Curtains During Intermission

315 AIRLINE LIVE![edit | hide]

Event: 315 AIRLINE LIVE!
The Moment of Decision

Deep Green ~Warm Harmony~[edit | hide]

Event: Deep Green ~Warm Harmony~
A Dance of Elegant Purrfection

Rainbow After the Rain[edit | hide]

Event: Rainbow After the Rain
Hydrangea and Frog


A UFO is Here?! Miracle Space Live[edit | hide]

Event: A UFO is Here?! Miracle Space Live
The Truth Behind A Surpurrise~!

Arabian Nights Park[edit | hide]

Event: Arabian Nights Park
The Lamp Genie is Not Nyacessary!

Xmas Live 2018 -Side:Enjoyable-[edit | hide]

Event: Xmas Live 2018 -Side:Enjoyable-
Kuhaha, Nyat's It


Rose Plum Demons Tinged by the Twilight[edit | hide]

Event: Rose Plum Demons Tinged by the Twilight
Page Translation
Demons Out of the Homes of Those who Smile

Kirio: ……
Kirio: Rakugo has finyaolly headed into the beyonds of purrtual reality!
Kuro: I wonder what is wrong with Nekoyanagi-san.

Shoma: Well, let’s check out how he’s doing for a little while longer.

Kirio: And with that said…
Kirio: Nyah! (realization)

Shoma: You done with your train of thought?

Kirio: Actually, I was thinking of the line “None know of the morrow, so speak of next year and the demons laugh.” Quite pawssibly this means that demons’ laughter continue on into the “future”?
Kirio: So, I tried to think of a near-future rakugo line that would allow the demeowns to laugh.

Shoma: Huh. Sounds interesting.

Kirio: Fitting fur this season, “Demons out, luck in,” is often said. But also “Good furtune comes to the homes of those who smile,” so…
Kirio: If the demeowns laugh, it will turn into furtune. So then furtune will come to both inside and outside of everywhere!
Shoma: Huh… You seem all over the place, but you’re actually thinking properly about things. I’m impressed.

Kirio: Nyahahaha!

Shoma: For that near-future rakugo line, we might be able to help out too. Don’t you think, Kuro-chan?

Kuro: Y-yes… I don’t know if I can be of help, but… (It seems I have no choice but to do it, then.)

Kirio: Hoho! So this is very reapurring. Please give me both of your paw-pinions!
Kuro: Speaking of future, there’s…

Kirio: (Hmm hmm)

Shoma: How about putting in a scene like this?


The multiple sayings that they reference are "笑う門には福来る" [Good fortune will come to the homes of those who smile.], "鬼は外福は内" [Demons Out, Luck In], and "来年のことをいうと鬼が笑う" [None know of the morrow, so speak of next year and the demons laugh.]

Outdoor Music Festival 2019[edit | hide]

Event: Outdoor Music Festival 2019
A New Discovery Through Punyashment Game

Glorious Grandeur! Devil's Sword Dance Live![edit | hide]

Event: Glorious Grandeur! Devil's Sword Dance Live!
Page Translation
I Won’t Let This Chance Pawss Me Up

Shoma: Let’s take a little break here.
sfx: blink
Kirio: Oh?
Kirio: Nyako-kun, are mew all alone? Where are Rooster-kun and Genbu-kun…
Kuro: They’ve left for a meeting for another job. It seems they’ll return very soon.
Kirio: Ohoho…
Kirio: (So this means right nyaow is my chance! It is nyaow the time for my chance to imitate Nyako-kun’s shapes…!) (Fufufu…)

Nyako: (yawning)

sfx: stretch~
Kirio: ……
Suzaku: Wha—!?

sfx: whoosh

Kirio: Ooh~! Nyako-kun, that was a purrfectly fine jump!
Kirio: This has meowrit in being imitated!

sfx: jumping

Nyako: Nya! Nya!

Suzaku: Was Nyako ever that close with Kirio-san?

Genbu: I guess that happened while we weren’t here.

Kirio: Purretty good~

Nyako: ♪


Winter Snow Live 2019[edit | hide]

Event: Winter Snow Live 2019
Choosing Souvenirs is Difficult?

Cat Town Wars ~The Territory of the Felines~[edit | hide]

Event: Cat Town Wars ~The Territory of the Felines~
Page Translation
Things Learned From Cats

Shoma: Fufu. How adorable.

sfx: waves around

Shoma: Oh dear. Quite a large cat we have here.
Shoma: It’s just like you to do. That was just like a real cat.

Kuro: Even during the Devil’s Sword Dance live, you were attempting to copy Nyako-san’s poses with great dedication.

Kirio: I’ve learned a purretty good deal of things from cats’ movements.

Shoma: You’re going to become even more and more knowledgeable when it comes to cats.

sfx: slides~

sfx: lash

Kirio: (Hmm… This mewvement…)
Kirio: (It’s come to my mind in a flash!)

Director: Please go ahead with the recording!

sfx: slash
Kirio: (The arrange I borrowed from when playing with the cat toy seems to have been a good cat-ch.)
Kirio: (I’ll keep going on like this without pawse!)

sfx: approaches…

sfx: smirk

Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom! Sakura Festival[edit | hide]

Event: Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom! Sakura Festival
Acting Supurrstitiously is Impurrtant As Well

Japanese Music Performance Festival ~World of Elegance~[edit | hide]

Event: Japanese Music Performance Festival ~World of Elegance~
Page Translation
Keeping Rhythm

Translation: kale
Kirio: "Hmmm. It's pretty tricky playing in time with the meowsic."

Instructor: "You'll get the hang of it eventually. Your sound is lovely."

Kirio: (The tsuzumi player carries a lot of respawnsibility...)

Kirio: (I sure do need a good sense of rhythm!)

Kuro: We should rest for a short while.

Shoma: Sure.

Kirio: (How to keep the rhythm...)

Kirio: (I've got it!)
Kuro: How about I prepare some tea?
Kirio: I'm gonna get donuts at the convenience store!
Shoma and Kuro: ?

sfx: running

Shoma: What was with the rush for donuts?
Kirio: The tsuzumi player is respawnsible for staying on beat, right?

Kirio: All this talk about rhythm reminded me of... donuts!

Kirio: Because of Harunya-kun!
Kirio: I have to channel my inner Harunya-kun! Then I can play my drum as nimbly as he plays his!
Kuro: I'm fairly sure the tsuzumi and drumset are two different things...

Shoma: Fufu, I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Instructor: We still have a ways to go, but you've improved considerably in such a short amount of time. Your technique is very good.
Kuro: It really worked... I suppose I should have expected this.

Shoma: Not bad, boy!

Kirio: Fufufu
Kirio: Yes! Victory!

Yosakoi Performance ~Shinki~[edit | hide]

Event: Yosakoi Performance ~Shinki~
Page Translation
To Search Fur My Nyaxt Model

Ren: ……
Ren: What the hell is up with you! You’ve been looking, starin’ at me for ages now! (Don’t get in my way!)

sfx: GRAH

Kirio: Nya?

Ren: You wanna imitate me like before’n do that thing you call tracin’ or whatever, huh!?

[Xmas Live 2018]

Kirio: Why, yes, exactly so!

Kirio: When the oppurrtunity came, I thought of observing mew yet again.
Kirio: Allow me to refurence you yet again, Ren-kun~ (Let’s do this~)


Ren: Of course you admire me, but don’t get in my way. Just go off over there and scram!
Kirio: How unfurtunate.
sfx: squeak
sfx: squeak squeak
Kirio: (Oho…)

sfx: stare…

Kirio: ‘Lil wolfy’s dance is always dynamic so it has paw-er behind it, worth looking at. It has a different charm from the sharply-moving Ren-kun, indeed…
Kirio: I shall observe this new cat-ch closely…!
Kirio: (beep beep beep~)

Shirou: ?


6th Anniversary Live ~Sedulous Steps Forward~[edit | hide]

Event: 6th Anniversary Live ~Sedulous Steps Forward~
Page Translation
The Light Breeze’s Plot

Shoma: Good work there, Producer.
Producer: Yes, good work to you too.

Shoma: Oh? Are you cleaning all this up?

Producer: Yes. I was doing it little by little, but there were just so many things…

Shoma: We have time left until our next location, so we’ll help you out.

Producer: Thank you so much.

Kirio: With this many things, I’ve purrceived that there’s quite the worth in digging things out! (hmph!)

Kuro: Nekoyanagi-san, please don’t do the opposite and scatter things around instead.

Kirio: Nyanya? This is…
Kirio: Zhuge Liang’s folding fan, purrhaps!
Kirio: My meowmeries are being revived! Mew were left here~?
Kirio: (Hmm…! I have thought up something quite claw-ver.)

sfx: beep~

sfx: gentle breeze…
Shoma: Oh! That fan’s…

Kirio: It was hot, wasn’t it? Mew can all cool down with this.

sfx: breezy…

sfx: breeze~

Kuro: What kind of fan-blowing method is that?

Shoma: Who knows?

Kirio: However… Nyaow that I have moved my paw-dy around on such a hot day as this, I’ve become quite claw-fully afraid of a cooling popsicle…
Kirio: Ooh, what a cat-astrophe. I’m so afurraid of a popsicle. So afurraid… (sighs…)
Kuro: This is… (I’ve heard it before…)

Shoma: “A cat-astrophe if manjuu” were prepared, right? The same big-eater plot as always, it seems.

Producer: As thanks for you helping out, I’ll treat you to some popsicles.

Kirio: Mew are so terrifying! Popsicles!?

Kirio: …Nyafufu. Thank mew very much.

As Fierce as Thunder!! KAMINARI ROCK[edit | hide]

Event: As Fierce as Thunder!! KAMINARI ROCK

Good Fortune to the New Year! New Year Live 2021[edit | hide]

Event: Good Fortune to the New Year! New Year Live 2021
Lions Are Felines As Well

White Day Date 2021[edit | hide]

Event: White Day Date 2021
Hey, Taxi!

Heated Battle! The Ocean Gang vs. The Stunning Toxic Beasts[edit | hide]

Event: Heated Battle! The Ocean Gang vs. The Stunning Toxic Beasts

Flower Garden Wedding[edit | hide]

Event: Flower Garden Wedding

Summer Goodbye ~The Ocean and The Jewel of Promise~ (Offshot!)[edit | hide]

Event: Summer Goodbye ~The Ocean and The Jewel of Promise~ (Offshot!)

Teahouse of the East ~We Solve All Your Problems~[edit | hide]

Event: Teahouse of the East ~We Solve All Your Problems~

Aquarium on Ice ~The Unique Penguins~[edit | hide]

Event: Aquarium on Ice ~The Unique Penguins~

Beautiful Japanese Crafts ~The World of Japanese Paper~[edit | hide]

Event: Beautiful Japanese Crafts ~The World of Japanese Paper~

Wonderful Summer Pool Live[edit | hide]

Event: Wonderful Summer Pool Live

Sparkling Moon-Viewing Night 2022[edit | hide]

Event: Sparkling Moon-Viewing Night 2022