The Most Frightening, Mysterious Legend ~A Trembling Melody~

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#093: The Most Frightening, Mysterious Legend ~A Trembling Melody~
[Marathon] 08/16/2016 – 08/24/2016
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Jupiter and Altessimo have been casted in a horror movie set in a certain mansion. For their roles as Mystery Research Club members or as ghosts, the members hunker down on their photoshoot on a deserted island. Through a specific incident that happens during filming, Touma gets a burst of even more motivation, and Shouta joins along for the ride.
During breaks between filming, Hokuto starts feeling changes in his heart, with Touma starting to shed light on it. On the other hand, Tsuzuki and Kagura drop in on the house’s music room and begin talking about a half-finished song. Eventually, the topic between the two shifts to the “Legendary Songstress.”

With each of their respective thoughts in their hearts, let’s show the most frightening acting that each of them can do!
Character Roles
Hokuto Ijuin Asuka Yuuji
Touma Amagase Hoshimi Akira
Shouta Mitarai Nishina Keitarou
Rei Kagura Yamamoto Yuzuru
Kei Tsuzuki Amamiya Shion

Event Scenes[edit | hide]

See: The Most Frightening, Mysterious Legend ~A Trembling Melody~/Event Scenes

Translator: nemuruoogarasu
“Seriously, that was one rough storm… You two haven’t gotten lost, right?”
“Uugh… I think I’ll manage. But I don’t think I can hold up anymore. I’m so tired, I can’t walk…”
“You can do this, Keitarou. See? The teachers are calling for us over there… Let’s hurry!”
“Phew… it looks like we managed to find a place to wait out the storm somehow.”
“Excuse me—, sorry for intruding! …Is no one else here?”
“Whoa, it’s a huge manor… But it’s all silent, so it feels sorta creepy…”
“We’re all staying here until help arrives, huh? What a mess this field trip turned into…”
Good work, you two~! We’ve finally gotten started with filming for “The Most Frightening, Mysterious Legend”!
Yeah! Let’s make it the scariest horror movie ever to suit the summer!
It might be a little bit too terrifying for Producer…

But when that time comes, my arms are always open for you to jump into… Who knows ☆

We end filming here today. Good work.

…I have to say, this mansion has quite the atmosphere to it.

You’re right. The staff people were also scared as they were preparing it.
It’s almost as if… something could actually come out…
Fufu, it would be fun if it really did come out.
Tsuzuki-san… Ghosts and such are a thing found in only movies.

More importantly, we will be off work tomorrow until dusk. Since we’re here already, would you like to take a walk around this area during the afternoon?

That sounds good. I might be able to hear a sound harmonizing with life again. I’m looking forward to it.
…Please don’t go into the ocean this time, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow. Have nice dreams.

(…Nn… I’ve woken up in the middle of the night…

I can hear someone’s footsteps. Is it Tsuzuki-san? Or maybe… No, that can’t be…)

(…It was Tsuzuki-san, then. I wonder what he’s planning to do by leaving his room.

I wonder if he couldn’t sleep and went to drink some hot milk. I should sleep soon as well.)


Tsuzuki-san hasn’t returned yet… Could it be that it wasn’t hot milk…? It’s already past midnight, though… Maybe he might have gotten lost because it was so spacious…? Should I go search for him? I hesitate to walk around this mansion, but… We have filming tomorrow as well. It’d be best for us to be in perfect condition… I have to do it.)

(My footsteps echo very strongly in the hallways in the middle of the night. It’s so quiet, I can’t help but think I’ll hear my heartbeat as well.

The furniture lined up against the wall looks different from how I saw them in the afternoon… They have more of a presence to them. …!? I heard the sound of a piano somewhere…! …No, wait. This song comes from the drama… The one playing this is most likely Tsuzuki-san. Good grief, making me worry in the middle of the night… So that direction is where I heard the sound coming from… I feel like I could get lost in this manor I’m unused to being in. …Ah! The sounds of the piano stopped. Oh no. Now I don’t know where Tsuzuki-san is…!)

What are you doing in a place like this, Rei-san?

…Huh!? Tsu-Tsuzuki-san…!? Then— wh— what was that sound just now…!?

…Good grief. Please don’t shock me like that.

So you’re saying Ijuuin-san was the one playing the piano?

Yes. I was thinking of heading to the kitchen to get some hot milk…

But I heard piano sounds coming from the music room. I was surprised to know it was Hokuto-san playing it.

Now that you mention it, Ijuuin-san has a scene where he’s shown playing the piano in the movie.
Yes. It looks like he was practicing for that song.

He asked me for a little advice, and he chatted lightly with me while playing the piano. Rei-san, who did you think was playing? Did you possibly think it was a geist…

Th… There’s no way something ridiculous like that could happen.

Now, let’s hurry and return to our room. We should sleep soon and prepare for tomorrow…

All right! A big one’s coming! I’ll fish it right outta there this time!
Touma-kun, the fish have been getting away from you for a while now~

Don’t you think you’re getting way too fired up about this? …Ah, I caught another one ♪ Let’s put the ones from before all together… I got 1, 2, 3… Looks like this’ll be a grand dinner later.

I’m not gonna lose to you, ShoutaMasubis (talk)!!
I’m not losing either, okay~!

…Hey, hey, Hokuto-kun. What’re you doing?

Hm? I’m putting on sunscreen. And bug repellant.
Didn’t you put some on before?
If you go for a while without putting any on again, then the effects will wear off. You two should use it too.

You don’t want your sunburnt skin to get a close-up on the big screen, right? It’s just in case.

Touma-kun, look over here~! Okay, cheese!
[shutter flash]
You’ve been taking way too many pics for a while, dude.
But don’tcha think it’d be really interesting if we actually caught a real ghost live on camera?
It seriously wouldn’t be a laughing matter if you really did catch one…

Anyway, I’M the one being photographed, so quit it with all the junk about ghost pics!

I think it’d be a big topic if we called it something like “It’s a video of the real thing!” but… to be honest…

You believe in ghosts, Touma? So cute~♪

Dumbass! Like hell I do!

…What’s up, Hokuto?

…The clouds are darkening up.

You two should finish up what you’re doing, and let’s head back to the manor. I think it’ll rain for the time being.

“The guys who went to go look around the mansion haven’t come back? You serious…?”
“Yeah… The teachers and everyone went to go look for them, and they’re not back yet either…”
“I can’t help but worry. I want to check out the manor, but…”
“But the guy who calls himself the master of the mansion said all of us shouldn’t go to the reception hall…”
“That makes me even more suspicious… Is that huge guy the real master of this manor in the first place?”
“What’ll we do? Go look for them?”
“Uuuugh… I don’t want to… Let’s stay heeere…”
Whoa~. It’s really pouring cats and dogs outside! Touma-kun, you’re not scared of thunder, are you~?
Why would you assume that!? No way I’d be scared…

Huh? There’s a lot of people coming in…

They’re people who arrived from the outside location… Oh, that’s a face I remember…

Those people… look like they’re the costar idols who are supposed to start joining in with us for filming starting today.

Hmm~. Now that these bigshot idols are here, they really think they’re free to come ten minutes late like the executives they wanna be~

Dummy. They just said they were late coming in for work.
But I didn’t expect we’d be able to work alongside such experienced seniors like them.
Yeah! It’s something I’m grateful about! Okay, lemme go greet them.
…That little… What was up with that,

“315 Productions? Where’s that? Never heard of it. Wait, didn’t you guys quit 961 Productions or whatever?” bull! We’re gonna make ‘em really remember us as who we are: Jupiter of 315 Productions!

Touma-kun, you’re sure fired up about this~. I guess I’ll just do my best at my own pace~.

(It’s a song that Tsuzuki-san made specially for me… I feel a strange sense of nervousness.

If I realize there is something off when I hear the song… what should I even say…)

I’ll get started, then.
(…The melody comes flowing right out of Tsuzuki-san’s fingertips…

…It feels as if it’s trickling within me, like water.)

…How was it? …It wasn’t boring, was it?
Huh? Not at all! Not one bit! I was sucked into the song…
…Rei-san, you’re making the same expression as that person.
That person…? Are you talking about the woman who co-produced a song with you before?

…The legendary songstress who only left her debut song behind before she left the stage…

You know about her?
No, I was just guessing…

I’m sorry. Actually, I’ve looked up your history in the past. “Tsuzuki Kei”… Now, you’re a famous composer whose name is so well-known there could be none who don’t know of you… But the one that made your name so known in this world was a certain female idol’s debut song. As such, I thought “she” was no one else but that woman…

Aah… Yes, it’s exactly as you thought.
The reason you paired up with me in a unit…

Was it also because I could be her replacement, that I was worthy enough?

Rei-san, being her replacement…? I’ve never thought of you that way.

After all, there’s no one who could replace her. It’s the same thing… as how I could have no replacement for you, Rei-san. Didn’t you notice? The only one who can sing this song is you. No one else. Rei-san. I want you to sing it. Nobody else can do it. You’re the only one who can breathe life into this song.

I’m the only one… to breathe life…
See, try singing it… But though I say this, I haven’t even put lyrics to this song yet.

How about you Vokalise it. You remember the melody from just now, don’t you? Let’s start from the beginning.

Yes… Of course!

Senpai~. Do you have some time right now?

If you’re willing to, please could give us pointers on our acting after you watch it~… Oh, thank you so much. I’ll get excited and do my best~! …See, the stage is set now, Touma-kun. It’s our chance to show off our abilities, right?

Nice assist, Shouta! With this, we’ll show ‘em our real capabilities in their fulle…
[flash of lightning, thunder rumbles, screen turns darker.]
Hh…! That thunder just now was really strong, wasn’t it~!?

Hey, wait! It’s a blackout!

Maybe it’s because of that thunder just now… We’ve got a special connection with blackout problems, don’t we?
Is this the time to be saying that!

Haah… We won’t be able to film like this now…

But this was our long-awaited chance to show our stuff~!
Fufu. Maybe I’ll go reassure the little angels in the break room, then.

…I thought you’d be idling your time away in the break room…

But you were secretly practicing piano in a place like this? You can’t be honest to yourself, huh?

This scene where I play it is important, even within the movie itself. I want to make it as perfect as it can be.
…Sorry ‘bout making you go along with my weird stubborn impulses.

Since I just got all annoyed at that senpai on my own terms… You and Shouta could’ve just stayed normally the way you were.

Don’t worry about it… Anyway, you weren’t the only one feeling that way,

All annoyed at our senior.

Really…? You totally didn’t seem that way, though…
Pfft. You might’ve just rubbed off on me, too.

I rubbed off on you…? What’s that mean?
I guess that just means I’ve come to have this thing I like to call pride as an idol.

Honestly, I saw being an idol as like a part-time job to kill some time. That’s how I started out… But as I started working more with you, there was this sort of “passion” that I had forgotten… …Which you made me remember. That’s how I see it. Something that I first thought of as being some kid’s game turned into something I took seriously before I knew it. That’s why my feelings of wanting to force that senpai to acknowledge our skills are the same as yours.

…I see… Hearing you tell me that so suddenly… is a little embarrassing…
I guess so. I talked in a way that I usually don’t.
…A— grudge— for— all— eternity—.

Hh!? What the!? Did a real-life ghost actually come out!?
[shutter flash]
AHAHAHAHA! I got a pic of Touma-kun’s flustered face~!
Wha!? Shouta, you little…! You were pretending to be a ghost by putting a sheet over yourself, huh!
I’m so surprised you totally fell for it~! Thanks to that, I caught a good pic of you ♪
Don’t screw with me! Hey! Gimme that camera! Erase the data!
[Touma and Shouta chase each other around.]
No way, dude~! I’m gonna be using this picture for a promo~!
You sure are one crafty little brat! Wait, that’s not the issue here! Give that to me!
…But this side of him is like a little kid…

…Oh, the lights are back on. Looks like they recovered it. Come on, you two, let’s get back to filming.

[ appears. ]
“Hey, wait up! Are you the master of this mansion? Who are you! Wai…!”
“He disappeared… Just now, he definitely came into this room…”
“Check it out! That portrait on the wall! It looks just like the guy who disappeared just now.”
“The name written on this portrait… Amamiya Shion… Could he have been the real master of this manor?”
“Hey, there’s a bunch of huge backpacks left here. Plus, what’s up with this notebook?”
“Are there other humans who’ve come into this manor aside from us?”
…The lights have come back on, so we can finally restart filming.

It has caught my attention that the area around us has become unnerved due to the big-name idols being at this location…

Let’s not let that bother us and just do what we’re supposed to.
You’re right… Yes. Let’s do things normally as we always do.

“Guys, check this out. This notebook’s got a scrapped newspaper article…!”
“A grotesque killer in a manor… The victims were the house’s master and his servant…”
“The motive for his killing was the mansion’s hidden fortune… You serious? It hasn’t been discovered yet?”
“This article’s date is really old… It sounds like something that happened a pretty long time ago.

So that means the person in that portrait is long dead…?”

“H-Hey… Don’t you think this place is, like, really dangerous…?”
I’m glad that geist roles don’t have many appearances nor lines.
You’re saying those things again… And for that, we must bring out a suitable amount of presence to ourselves.

…I don’t believe I’ll need to worry about you, though, Tsuzuki-san.

Fufu… This role might just be perfect for me.

“Whoa, a blackout…!?

Plus, didn’t you hear a guy screaming just now!?”

“Shh… Someone’s footsteps are heading over here…”
“…Wh-what the heck is that!?”
“…You shall not be forgiven…

How dare… how dare you! …You shall not be forgiven… I’ll curse… each and every last one of you…!”

Haah… It’s finally my turn to appear!
The way you were walking down the hall in a ghostly form was like that of the real thing.
Truly…!? Thank you so much!

I’m not good with being the one surprised, but if I’m the one doing the surprising, then it’s actually rather fun. I’ll try to drag the audience into the depths of terror with the next!

”…Looks like he left.”
“That wasn’t the house’s master… He must have been the servant.”
“It looked like he was super angry… We totally can’t handle him on our own!”
“But we have to search for the teachers and students who disappeared. It might just be the worst-case scenario.

This is the same situation with the ghost, but the owner of that bag and newspaper we found just now could’ve… More likely than not, they’re someone who wasn’t in a very safe position.”

“Shoot… We’re gonna find everyone and leave this place with all of us in one peace!”
The action has finally begun to start up…!
I’m grateful that I don’t have many scenes, but I’ve gotten tired. *yawn*…
The climax is right in front of us, so PLEASE keep conscious for now…!

“The guys and teachers who became missing here are in this room! Everyone’s all tied up!

Hey, who did this to you!? …Some unknown men…?”

“So just like I thought, it’s people aside from us… It looks like there’s a group of robbers aiming to steal the hidden fortune.”
“H-hey! The door to the entrance won’t open!? There’s no key stuck in it or anything, though…!”
“Is the ghost doing this…? Looks like it won’t let us outta here.”
“So we’re done for if we can’t do something about that ghost.”
“Do something… like what?”
“In the remaining notebook pages, it said that the room they were killed in was the music room.

If we go to the music room, we might just be able to figure something out.”

All right! Next is the action scene! Let’s show ‘em what we really got!

“Shit… Can’t believe we gotta meet up with those robberth…”

…Hh! I’m sorry! I tripped over my words!

…Shoot, I was trying to show them what I got, so I put way too much force into things…
No need to be so on edge. You can just do things normally.
You’re right…! Okay…!

Excuse me! Please let me take it one more time!

“Shit… Can’t believe we gotta meet up with those robbers…”
“At least it’s better than dealing with ghosts. What should we do, then…”
“…I’ll be the bait! Akira-kun, Yuuji-kun, you two can run away while they’re distracted—…!”
“Keitarou!? You’re in danger—…”
[flashes of black.]
“Wh-What the heck!? The robbers are getting beat up…?”
“That’s the ghost of the servant… It looks like he finished them off for us, but…”
[ Yuzuru approaches. ]
…I guess he’s aiming his attacks for us now.”

[flashes of black.]
“Ugh…! My chest feels like it’s being squeezed… It hurts… Is this his grudge and his sorrow…?”
“Come on, Akira! Stay with me!”
[ Shion flickers and disappears. ]
[ Yuzuru retreats. ]
“You’re the one from the portrait…!? Did you save us…?”
“I want you… to play the piano… The song… of my memories with Yuzuru-san…”
“Song…? If you need sheet music, then there’s this thing I picked up when I went to go act as bait…”
“…The only one out of us who can play the piano is Asuka… Can I ask you to do this?”
“Of course. In return, I’m counting on you to guard me while I play.”
‘Kay then! It’s time for you to show your stuff, Hokuto! You better finish it off perfectly!
Fufu. I lessened my time with the little angels so that I could practice playing.

Of course I’ll do it perfectly!

“Amazing… Thanks to Yuuji-kun’s piano playing… The air got easier to breathe…”
“…Ah! The storm… let up…?”
“Ah… Hey! Amamiya-san’s…!”
“……Let’s go… Yuzuru-san……”
[ Shion and Yuzuru disappear together. ]
“…They left. So in the end, they never had any hidden fortune or whatever.”
“Yeah… Let’s go home, too.”
Gooood work with filming~!

Haah~, I’m so glad we finished safely~.

That senpai’s also applauding us with a smile like that.
I doubt they’ll be saying things like they don’t know about 315 Productions or Jupiter any longer.

…Heheh, check it out, Producer! We did it!

References[edit | hide]